全国各地高校每年向Rube Goldberg的遗产致敬RubeGoldberg机器比赛比赛网站“Rube Goldberg机器竞赛带Goldberg卡通生命之道,帮助学生超越对问题视之传统方式,带入直觉混乱想象领域产生发明收集百分数和片段, 零用机器部件, 并合实现创新想象力,
见到这些创新简单任务解决方案后 即刻成为Rube Goldberg粉丝哥德堡州立大学主修采矿工程先是旧金山运动卡通画家,后是纽约多脚卡通画家。Rube Goldberg作品出现纽约杂志American_New York晚报并纽约晚报.工作于1915年联合
时间问题 先生Goldberg created many well loved cartoon characters, his most popular and most enduring is Professor Lucifer Gorgonzola Butts. The Professor is well-known for creating complex comical creations. In fact, Rube Goldberg holds the distinction of being the only proper name used as an adjective in the English language. The adjective is used to describe a complex solution to an easy or common place task. Examples of the past challenges include: dispensing hand sanitizer, watering a plant, replacing a light bulb, assembling a hamburger, juicing an orange, shredding 5 sheets of paper one-by-one, casting a ballot, peeling an apple, and putting a stamp on an envelope. Competitions are held on a high-school and college level, both nationally and internationally.
Rube Goldberg机器大赛激发了许多其他相似设计竞赛和营销特技。 Rocke集团和知名品牌使用RubeGoldberg的吸引力创建自己的后续程序。 Coca-Cola通过他们的“分享可乐”推广支持这些机器。我最喜欢的Goldberg-esque营销特技之一出自法国并开发广告推广公园辅助系统C-max车厢
鲁比戈德堡机器比赛的影迷if so, you can注册下一年挑战 打开伞它应生成一些伟大的创新解决方案 解决简单任务更多有关Rube Goldberg和为他举行的比赛的信息,